
Do the two parallelograms in the figure appear to be similar? Why or why not? A. The parallelograms are not similar because although corresponding angles have the same measures, corresponding sides aren't proportional. B. The parallelograms are not similar because corresponding angles don't have the same measures, but corresponding sides are proportional. C. The parallelograms are similar because corresponding angles have the same measures and corresponding sides are proportional. D. The parallelograms are similar because corresponding angles have the same measures and corresponding sides aren't proportional.

Accepted Solution

Answer:Option A.Step-by-step explanation:we know thatIf two figures are similar, then the ratio of its corresponding sides is proportional and its corresponding sides are congruentIn this problemThe ratio of its corresponding sides are not proportionalbecause[tex]\frac{6}{16}\neq \frac{6}{10}[/tex]thereforeThe parallelograms are not similar because although corresponding angles have the same measures, corresponding sides aren't proportional