
Katherine and Beatrice are 20 miles apart when they start moving towards each other. Katherine runs at a constant speed of 5 mph and Beatrice walks at a constant speed of 3 mph. How long does it take them to meet

Accepted Solution

Answer:Katherine and Beatrice will meet after 2.5hrs. Step-by-step explanation:Given:Distance between Katherine and Beatrice when they start moving towards each other= 20 milesSpeed at which Katherine  runs =5 mphSpeed at which  Beatrice walks =3 mphTo Find:Time taken for Katherine and Beatrice  to meet each other Solution:Let assume number of hours after which  Katherine and Beatrice = x hrs Distance = speed x time Distance travelled by Katherine in x hours =[tex]5\times x[/tex] = 5x Distance travelled by Beatrice in x hours = [tex]3\times x[/tex]= 3x Total distance covered together by Katherine in x hours and Beatrice in x hours is 20 miles . => 5x + 3x = 20 =>8x = 20 => [tex]x = \frac{20}{8}[/tex]=> [tex]x = \frac{5}{2}[/tex]=> x=2.5 Number of hours after which Katherine and Beatrice meets = x hrs = 2.5hrs